Product Info:
  • Name : RAYZON
  • Category : HERBICIDES
  • Tech Name : Mesotrione 2.27%+ Atrazine 22.7% SC
  • Brand : RAYZON
  • Packing Size : 700ml, 1400ml
  • Control : Grass weeds and Broad leaf weeds(Trianthema spp.,Digitaria sanguinalis, Echinochloa colona,Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Amaranthus viridis)
  • Features : a)It is premix herbicide for maize and sugarcane that provides freedom from mixing of chemicals. b)DUAL MODE OF ACTION – Synergy of new chemistry provide faster results on the target weeds. SAFE TO CROPS – Inbuilt adjuvant ensures crops safety after Rayzon application.